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Windows 7 Blank Screen With Cursor After Login Updated FREE

Windows 7 Blank Screen With Cursor After Login

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1. Have you made any changes to the computer prior to this upshot?

The issue (blackness screen) you're facing could exist related to drivers and could be resolved by updating the brandish drivers. Without the correct driver, the hardware or device that you want to use won't piece of work properly.

To confirm the same, start the Computer in low-resolution video mode. This starts Windows using your electric current video driver and using depression resolution and refresh rate settings.
This selection is available in Advanced startup options.

To start you computer in low-resolution video style, follow the steps below:
1. Remove all floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs from your computer, then restart your computer.
2. Press and concur the F8 fundamental as your figurer restarts.
3. On the Advanced Kicking Options screen, use the pointer keys to highlight Enable low-resolution video (640×480), and and then printing Enter.

If the trouble doesn't reappear in depression-resolution mode, then the issue is driver related. You tin can resolve this by downloading display bill of fare driver from the manufacturer's website.

I'd suggest you to visit the manufacturer's website and update the chipset, display and graphic drivers to the latest one for Windows 7.

Refer the links below for more details on updating drivers:

Update a driver for hardware that isn't working properly

Update drivers: recommended links states of america/windows7/Update-drivers-recommended-links

Also refer: Why is my screen black when I start Windows 7? states/windows7/why-is-my-screen-blackness-when-i-start-windows-7

Hope this helps.

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Thank you for the swift reply and for taking time to assistance me.

I tried starting the figurer in low-res manner, but the aforementioned affair happened: the Windows logo comes up, and then the black screen with a centered mouse cursor. I can move the cursor, but clicking does nothing and the pressing the keyboard keys doesn't practise anything either. So there is no confusion, the screen is entirely blackness, with the exception of the mouse cursor. There is no task bar, no icons, nada. A completely black screen.

I looked at the link to "Why is my screen black..." and information technology is non relevant to my situation. All the problems there assume 1 has some sort of interface with Windows one time it boots. Again, I just get the black screen, nothing else. In the link, where people have a black screen, all the suggested fixes tell people to click on the task bar, or start in safe mode, or run regedit. I can't do any of those things with the calculator in the state that it'southward in right at present.

Exercise yous have a suggestion for what I should try side by side?

Thanks again,


Wassup Nowg

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Same upshot as you lot and others.
Whatsoever fixes that work short of complete reinstall?

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I had the same problem. Luckily I accept arrangement restore setup to create a restore point every calendar week, and the problem started the 24-hour interval after a new restore point was created.

Restored the computer to the previous day and everything is fine now.

To get to the restore press and hold F8 as the computer is booting. So go into repair tools and restore is in there

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The problem with this is a virus on the machine that has taken over permissions on the machine.

here is another forum that deals with this... states of america/windows/forum/windows_7-system/windows-seven-boots-to-black-screen-with-cursor-earlier/c3538f76-86a1-462e-8ad7-f319f207a922

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I had the same trouble. Luckily I have organization restore setup to create a restore point every calendar week, and the problem started the twenty-four hours afterward a new restore point was created. 

Restored the calculator to the previous day and everything is fine now.

To get to the restore press and agree F8 as the computer is booting. And then go into repair tools and restore is in in that location

Thankx Stuffit, Fortunately I had an automatic restore point just 3 days older and it restored. I will never ever play with my system32 folder again.


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I fixed my trouble through tuneup utilities software by deleting a huge memory cache file and so its running normal now. Not certain what was the crusade though.

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Evin, my pc is having the aforementioned problem. can yous share more details of the set that worked for you lot? Cheers

yet cold

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Equally stated, I use tuneup utilities software & deleted a very large cache file and then my laptop went back to normal. Having said tat, I'thousand not a software techie. Was just using the tuneup utilities to exercise a bit of reckoner cleaning & came across tat. Good luck. Hope it helps.

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Like all Registry Cleaners and System Optimizers TuneUp Utilities is more than likely to cause
problems while fixing nothing. Recall of them a Snake-Oil.

Rob - SpiritX

Rob Dark-brown - by Microsoft MVP - Windows Insider MVP 2016 - 2021
Microsoft MVP Windows and Devices for IT 2009 - 2020

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Windows 7 Blank Screen With Cursor After Login



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